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15 Serbian Slang Words for Going Out 

Two girlfriends hanging out and being silly

Are you a party animal who loves learning Serbian slang words? Or do you prefer to stay home and practice your Serbian with an online teacher? Either way, you’re in for a treat. 

Since formal language and partying don’t go together, here’s a list of Serbian slang words for going out!

1. Bleja (hanging out)

Bleja can be any type of hanging out, from chilling at a friend’s house to getting plastered at a nightclub until 5 in the morning. 

For example: 

Hoćemo u neku bleju za vikend?
(Do you wanna hang out this weekend?)

It can also be a verb- blejati/izblejati:

Dođi u kafić da izblejimo.

(Come to the café to hang out together.)

2. Kafenisanje (drinking coffee)

Unlike the previous one, kafenisanje is a specific activity – having coffee, typically with friends. Sometimes, kafenisanje turns into a trač partija (gossiping.)

For example: 

Stavi kafu. Dolazim na kafenisanje i trač partiju. 

(Put on some coffee. I’m coming for coffee and gossip.)

Two women sitting beside an espresso machine making coffee
Kafenisanje i trač partija ☕

3. Nabacivati se (to hit on someone)

You go out and you see someone you like. Now you want to let them know that you are interested in them – so, you start hitting on them. The Serbian slang word that expresses this stage of courtship is nabacivanje.

For example: 

Nabacujem joj se već 5 dana, ali bez uspeha.

(I’ve been hitting on her for five days already but without success.)

4. Smarati (to bother someone)

Similarly, if you’re tenaciously hitting on someone, even though they’re showing no interest in you, that’s most likely smaranje

For example: 

Ovaj lik mi se nabacuje već 5 dana. Baš smara

(This dude’s been hitting on me for five days now. He’s really bothering me.)

5. Lik i šmeker (a dude and charmer)

As you saw in the previous example, lik is a dude. It’s a neutral term with neither positive nor negative connotations. It’s simply a slang word for a male person.

On the other hand, šmeker is an attractive guy who has a way with ladies.

For example:

Upoznala sam jednog lika juče. Baš je šmeker

(I met a guy yesterday. He’s a real charmer.)

A young man with a flower bouquet
Ovaj lik je šmeker 😊

6. Riba (a chick)

Conversely, riba is a chick. It’s slang for any female person. Therefore, dobra riba is a hot chick. 

For example: 

Hajde da idemo u onaj kafić gde bleje dobre ribe.

(Let’s go to that café where hot chicks hang out.)

However, never address ladies with this word. Most women find it offensive, so you should save it for your male friends.

7. Ekipa (a friend group)

In sports, ekipa means a team. But, as slang, it’s a group of friends. In other words, your ekipa are your buddies and people you usually hang out with. 

For example: 

Večeras blejim sa ekipom

(I’m hanging out with my palls tonight.)

8. Cuga i klopa (booze and food)

There’s no party without cuga (booze) and klopa (grub, food). Whether you drink beer or rakija, it pairs well with Serbian food

For example:

Dođi na žurku večeras. Biće cuge i klope

(Come to the party tonight. There’ll be booze and food.)

9. Pljuge (cigarettes)

Another party staple, pljuge, is slang for cigarettes. Unfortunately, Serbia is a smoker’s promised land since smoking is allowed in most public places, as well as in cafés and nightclubs. 

For example: 

Vidimo se kod mene. Kupi pljuge usput. 

(See you at my place. Buy cigarettes on your way here.)

10. Baciti peglu (to throw up)

Since overindulging in booze and food can make you sick, you sometimes baciš peglu (throw up). Interestingly, the literal translation is to throw an iron (the device for ironing clothes).

For example:

Nije mi dobro. Mislim da ću da bacim peglu.

(I’m not feeling well. I think I’m gonna throw up.)

White corded clothes steam iron
Baciću peglu 🤮

11. Haos, vrh i bruka (awesome)

There are various slang words to describe something positive. So, haos (chaos), vrh (top, peak), and bruka (disgrace) all mean the same – awesome.

For example:

Bilo nam je vrh sinoć. Ribe su bile haos. A i muzika je bila bruka.

(It was awesome last night. The chicks were awesome. The music was awesome, too.)

12. Zaginuti (to party until late)

It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re having a blast. The slang for partying too long and staying up too late is zaginuti.

For example:

Baš smo zaginuli u kafani. Bilo je vrh.

(We stayed at kafana really late. It was awesome.)

13. Rupa (a shabby place)

Normally, rupa is a hole. As slang, it’s a place, usually kafana or a bar, but a shabby one. At a rupa,  expect cheap booze, dirty floors, and a chill atmosphere. Although this kind of place has a certain appeal, you should never have a first date there. However, it’s a great place to hang with your ekipa.

For example:

Bili smo u nekoj rupi. Pili smo jeftinu cugu i slušali dobru muziku.

(We were at a shabby place. We drank cheap booze and listened to good music.)

14. Fajront (closing time)

All things come to an end, and every nightclub has closing hours. In Serbian slang, that’s fajront. If you’re a hardcore partygoer, you should remember this expression.

For example:

‘Ajmo kući. Fajront je.

(Let’s go home. It’s closing time.)

15. Gajba (a crib, home)

If you check the Serbian dictionary, you’ll discover gajba is a crate, or a box, usually one for carrying beer or fruits. As slang, it means home, similar to crib in English. 

If you have prazna gajba, your roommates or the people you live with are away. So if you like house parties, remember this expression. 

For example: 

Pravim žurku za vikend. Imam praznu gajbu.

(I’ll throw a party this weekend. There’ll be nobody at home.) 

An empty wooden crate
Prazna gajba 🏠

Go Out and Practice Serbian Slang Words

Of course, textbooks are essential for any foreign language learner. But they will only take you so far. To perfect a language, you must learn in the real world. That’s why going out and partying in Serbia is a perfect way to learn Serbian slang words. 

Another way is to practice real Serbian with experienced teachers. So, check out our online Serbian lessons and brush up on your Serbian slang!

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