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5 Phrases to Help You Win Over Serbian People

couple, love, young couple

 Ljubav je ista na svim jezicima” (Love is the same in all languages). Yeah, right. But the culture isn’t, so there is some stuff to take care of when you’re trying to flirt with someone who doesn’t belong to your culture.

When it comes to Serbs, there aren’t many things that are different from Western Europe or America in the dating field.

But there are some phrases that are specific for Serbia, so if you use them, you’ll for sure leave a great impression.

1. Ko te prati kući? (Who walks you home?)

The phrase is from the Serbian cult movie, Munje (Dudes). But even if you haven’t watched the movie, you can use the phrase because it’s pretty common in Serbia.

Serbian girls love when guys walk them home after the date. So, you can ask to walk your date home, be a perfect gentleman, and steal some additional moments with your crush. You will show her that you care about her and her safety. Girls in Serbia don’t love to walk alone, especially at night, so the gesture will mean a lot.

couple, date, walking home
Ko te prati kući? (Who walks you home?)

2. Vreme leti kad sam s tobom (Time flies when I am with you)

Everyone loves to feel cared for and appreciated. With the right phrase, you’ll make your crush feel like they’re the only person in the whole world. And that is the point, isn’t it?

If you are having a good time, say it, and watch your date beam with joy.

You can spend your time together watching movies, drinking coffee (or beer – yes, Serbs love beer almost as much as rakija, and there are many interesting pubs that you have to visit during your stay in Serbia), or taking long walks by the river. Whatever you choose, if you like the person you’re with, the time will fly.

And there’s no better introduction to the second date than saying how good you felt on the first one. So, enjoy the well-known Serbian humor, try the famous dishes, explore the city, and don’t forget to mention that you had a good time (Super sam se proveo/provela!)!

3. Nisam odavde, možeš li mi pokazati tvoje omiljeno mesto za kafu? (I am new here, can you show me your favorite coffee place?)

Serbs, especially girls, are very emphatic. When they realize you’re a foreigner, they will do anything to make your visit to Serbia as pleasant as possible. So, if you kindly ask for a recommendation or directions, they will happily help you out. And if you can ask if they are willing to join you for a coffee, it can be the beginning of something beautiful.

One more benefit of inviting someone to their favourite coffee shop is that you’ll find out more about your crush when you see what places they enjoy visiting. If they are fans of fancy coffee bars in the city center, you’ll know that they probably care a lot about how others see them, enjoy expensive things, and like posting photos on Instagram. On the other hand, if they take you to a small, cozy pub, you’ll find out that your crush probably enjoys the intimate, friendly environment, and they aren’t interested in other people’s opinions.

street style, fashion, pretty girl
Complimenting a Serbian girl is great way into her heart (or at least make her crack a smile)

4. Zaista nije mit - Srbi su među najlepšim ljudima u celoj Evropi (It really isn’t a myth - Serbian people are among the most beautiful in the whole Europe)

This sentence is a bit of a cliché, but Serbian people always want to hear that. Foreigners that visit Serbia comment on how beautiful Serbian people, especially Serbian girls, are.  Serbian people take care of themselves, and the streets of Belgrade often remind visitors of the ones in Paris or other fashion centers all over the world.

You can complement Serbian people on their outfits as well. Some phrases from this YouTube video can come in handy. Everyone wants to hear something nice about their appearance and style, especially in Serbia, where really great efforts are made to look good and have nice clothes.

5. Tako si inteligentan/inteligentna i zabavan/zabavna. (You’re so intelligent and fun)

Compliment something else besides their looks. Serbs want to feel appreciated, and their humor is among their strongest assets. You’ll laugh at their jokes to tears, we’re sure – and don’t forget to mention it to them.

If you don’t understand some jokes, kindly ask them to explain them to you (Izvini, ne razumem. Možeš li da mi objasniš?). They will be happy to be of service, and you’ll get a better picture of well-known Serbian humor. Not to mention that you’ll get a better understanding of the Serbian language and culture.

Serbs are beautiful, but it isn’t their only asset. Many other things make them special, so once you meet them, you’ll be surprised!

Humor is always a good choice!

A bonus advice

The Internet is full of tips and tricks for the best pickup lines. There are many sentences such as Gde ti je papirić iz kog si ispala, bombonice? (Where is the paper package you fell out of, candy?) or Da li ti je tata terorista, jer si prava bomba? (Is your dad a terrorist because you’re such a bomb?) Nobody uses that, like, ever. If you say such a thing, they will probably laugh in your face and consider you a jerk.

Ask the person you fancy about their family, friends, and hobbies. Family is the most important thing in life for most Serbs, and if things become serious, they will probably be an important part of your life, too, so make sure you find as much as possible about them before you meet them.

Da li si ti Google? Zato što si odgovor na sve što tražim.

Travel is often the topic you can’t go wrong with. Serbs love to travel, and the countries you’ve visited will leave them impressed. Talk about your country and culture, but ask them questions about their experiences and adventures. You’ll be surprised when you find out about their adventures!

Be natural, be kind, and ask a lot of questions – and you’ll find the right person for yourself.

And when things get serious, be sure you know how to say I love you in Serbian – Volim te.

Serbs, especially young ones, speak English very well in most cases. But if you want to show your appreciation and earn some bonus points from your Serbian crush, choose one of our Serbian language online courses and improve your Serban. You’ll be able to flirt in Serbian in no time!

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