Serbian Pronouns: Personal, Demonstrative, and Possessive
When it comes to learning a language, small things can make a big difference. Take, for instance, those little gems like bre and baš — they can rocket your Serbian from textbook blandness straight into native-like territory. But before that, you’ll need to tackle another set of small but mighty words: Serbian pronouns. Though compact, […]
Working as an Expat: How to Find a Job in Serbia
Wondering how to find a job in Serbia? If so, you’re not alone. Despite its small size, this Balkan country has lots to offer — from delicious cuisine to vibrant nightlife and friendly, welcoming locals. Although rich in nature and culture, Serbia isn’t a wealthy country. Sadly, this affects the job market, resulting in fierce […]
Neighbors in Serbia: Your Best Pal or Your Worst Enemy?
If you plan on spending some time in Serbia, you’re surely excited about all the ćevapi, rakija, and wild nightlife. You’re probably also curious about what the neighbors in Serbia are like. With that in mind, this article is your cheat sheet for understanding Serbian neighbors and getting along with them, helping you avoid any […]
How To Tell Time in Serbian
What time is it? This basic, everyday question can suddenly become daunting when you’re in a foreign land, and the language is all Greek to you. Or, more precisely, Serbian. Sounds familiar? Then, it’s the perfect moment to learn how to tell time in Serbian. Of course, we’ll guide you every step of the way […]
Learn Serbian With TV Shows: 7 Must-Watch Serbian Series
Learning Serbian is incredibly rewarding, but let’s face it — studying sometimes feels like a real snore-fest. Of course, that goes double if your old dusty textbook is your primary resource. Luckily, jazzing up your study sessions is dead simple — you just need to watch Serbian TV shows. To make it even easier, here’s […]
Case Study: Dative and Locative in Serbian
Did you know that the dative and locative in Serbian have much in common? First off, both seem like tough nuts to crack (just like all other cases). Also, they are carbon copies of each other, or, more precisely, they look and sound the same. But what’s the difference? If you’d like to get to […]
Cafés, Culture, and Countryside: How Serbian People Spend Their Free Time
When Serbs have leisure time, they don’t kill it — they savor every moment. In fact, relaxing is almost like an art form in this Balkan country, and every local is an artist. So, if you’re wondering how Serbian people spend their free time, the short answer is — with gusto. For the long answer, […]
How Serbian Children Play: 7 Fun Serbian Games For Kids
The freedom to play and explore the world is one of the greatest joys of childhood. If you wish your kids would spend more time outside, away from harmful screens and social media, how about teaching them Serbian games for kids? Each item on our list will encourage your little ones to get plenty of […]
Instrumental Case in Serbian: A Comprehensive Guide
If Serbian cases give you a headache, you’re not alone. For many learners, it often feels like the more they learn, the more complicated it gets. As you may expect, the instrumental case in Serbian is no different. But it doesn’t have to be hard! In fact, by the time you finish reading this article, […]
Serbian Wedding Traditions: 13 Interesting and Quirky Customs
It’s no secret that Serbian weddings are incredibly lively, loud, and chaotic. If you don’t know what to expect, you may walk away with a sense of confusion and a terrible buzz in your ears. But worry not — as long as you’re familiar with Serbian wedding traditions and customs, you’re in for a blast! […]